“What’s your sign?” (Di che segno sei?) The classic pick-up line may sound corny in English, but it can be a good conversation starter in Italy, where l'astrologia has been popular since the time of the ancient Romans. My Italian dictionary defines it as “un complesso di credenze e tradizioni, prive di fondamento scientifico, che ritiene che le posizioni e i movimenti dei corpi celesti rispetto alla Terra influiscano sugli eventi umani collettivi e individuali” (a complex of beliefs and traditions, lacking scientific basis, that holds that the positions and movement of celestial bodies in relationship to the earth influence collective and individual human events).
Here are the Italian names and some characteristics of the twelve signs of the Zodiac:
*Ariete (Aries), a fire sign (segno di fuoco). Individuals born between 21 marzo (March) and 20 aprile (April) are characterized by sincerità, impulsività e passione (sincerity, impulsivity and passion).
*Toro (Taurus), an earth sign (segno di terra). Those born between 21 aprile and 20 maggio (May) typically show la tenacia, la pazienza e l'attaccamento agli aspetti materiali dell'esistenza (tenacity, patience and attachment to material aspects of existence).
*Gemelli (Gemini), an air sign (segno d’aria). People born between 21 maggio and 21 giugno (June) are known for their l'apertura mentale, la capacità di comunicazione e l'intelletto spiccato (open minds, skill at communicating and keen intelligence).
*Cancro (Cancer), a water sign (segno di acqua). A person born between 22 giugno and 22 luglio (July) is often seen as lunatica, sensibile e romantica (moody, sensitive and romantic).
*Leone (Leo), a fire sign. Those born between 23 luglio and 23 agosto (August) are characterized by generosità, tenacia e fiducia in se stesse (generosity, tenacity and self-confidence).
*Vergine (Virgo), an earth sign. Individuals born between 24 agosto and 22 settembre (September) are known for la razionalità, la capacità di pensiero e un'intelligenza spiccata (rationality, capacity for thought and keen intelligence).
*Bilancia (Libra), an air sign. Men and women born between 23 settembre and 22 ottobre (October) strive constantly for equilibrio nei rapporti personali e interpersonali (balance in their personal and interpersonal relationships).
*Scorpione (Scorpio), a water sign. Individuals born between 23 ottobre and 21 novembre (November) have capacità intuitive e osservative (intuitive and observational ability) and un'intelligenza non comune (uncommon intelligence). They also are associated with la segretezza e il mistero (secrecy and mystery).
*Sagittario (Sagitarius), a fire sign. Those born between 22 novembre and 21 dicembre (December) are likely to be intelligenti, socievoli ed entusiasti (intelligent, sociable and enthusiastic).
*Capricorno (Capricorn), an earth sign. Someone born between 22 dicembre and 20 gennaio (January) may be characterized by notevoli tenacia, ambizione e onestà (remarkable tenacity, ambition and honesty)
*Acquario (Aquarius), an air sign. Individuals born between 21 gennaio and 19 febbraio (February) are characterized by l'idealismo, l'amicizia e una mentalità aperta ed espansiva (idealism, friendship and an open and expansive mentality).
*Pesci (Pisces), a water sign. Those born between 20 febbraio and 20 marzo tend to be geniali, fantasiosi e altamente emotivi (genial, imaginative and highly emotional).
Words and Expressions
Astrologo -– astrologer
Astrologare -– to practice astrology, cast horoscopes, make wild guesses
Oroscopo –- horoscope
Ascendente –- rising sign, ascendant
Dianne Hales is the author of LA BELLA LINGUA: My Love Affair with Italian, the World's Most Enchanting Language, MONA LISA: A Life Discovered and the upcoming LA PASSIONE: How Italy Seduced the World. For more information, visit her new website: www.diannehales.com.