I buoni propositi per l’anno nuovo
New Year's resolutions
Every January we take stock of the year just ended (fare un bilancio dell’anno appena chiuso) and resolve to do better (fare meglio) in the new year. Here are some popular resolutions for 2019. Do you have any to add?
1. Losing weight (dimagrire)
Many of us want to lose the pounds (perdere i chili) we put on during the elaborate feasts (stravizi) of the holidays. Are you ready to mettersi a dieta (go on a diet) or iscriversi in palestra (join a gym)?
2. Spending more time with loved ones (più tempo agli affetti)
Too often because of work commitments (impegni di lavoro) or constant rushing (fretta), we don’t take time to stay in touch with family members. Rather than put off a visit, keep in mind how much they care about you (si preoccupano per voi).
3. Finding time for yourself (trovare del tempo per sé stessi)
Individuals of every age can enrich themselves personally (arricchirsi personalmente) by trying something new (provare qualcosa di nuovo). You might choose to learn a language (imparare una lingua)—my personal favorite—or take a photography course (fare un corso di fotografia).
4. Smiling (sorridere)
This simple gift costs nothing (qualcosa che non costa nulla) but yields a lot of satisfaction (procura molta soddisfazione). Give yourself a daily minimum number (un numero minimo)—perhaps three smiles (tre sorrisi) to start--and work up to five (cinque).
5. Doing the things we do not like (Impegnarsi a fare le cose che non ci piacciono)
There's probably some chore you do only under threat of death (sotto minaccia di morte), whether it’s washing the car (lavare l’auto) or cleaning up the kitchen (riordinare la cucina). Forget all the excuses (tutte le scuse) and give them a try (provateci).
Whatever you resolve to do to improve yourself or your life in the coming year, here’s a word of encouragement: Forza!
Dianne Hales is the author ofLA BELLA LINGUA: My Love Affair with Italian, the World's Most Enchanting Language, MONA LISA: A Life Discovered and the upcoming LA PASSIONE: How Italy Seduced the World. Click here to preorder. For more information, visit her new website: www.diannehales.com